Sunday, January 23, 2011

Missing: Noelle

I haven't seen my girlfriend in a long time now and so I posted once again on her Facebook wall:

I waited for you to wake up but it was time for me to sleep
Wasn't hearing from you; I so miss you that I could weep
How have you been doing? I hope you're doing fine
If you miss me too please give me a sign?

my other friend Mr. Evanjohnn Mendoza responded to this poem since it was because of him that I was inspired to make these... =)) LOL! la-dee-daa~~
this was his reply:

Your skill in words can inspire
I hope such talent won't expire
Just keep writing from your heart
your poem making has made its start

Good Morning, Peehgy

posted this on my friend, Nowi's, wall in Facebook on January 18...

good luck on exams today!
But wait it's a tuesday!
i thought your classes won't be until after midday...???
or was that a wednesday?
no that's my favorite day!
hahahahey! =))
have good day
under a roofed one always stay
coz today's a rainy day...
♥ ♥ ♥