Sunday, January 23, 2011

Missing: Noelle

I haven't seen my girlfriend in a long time now and so I posted once again on her Facebook wall:

I waited for you to wake up but it was time for me to sleep
Wasn't hearing from you; I so miss you that I could weep
How have you been doing? I hope you're doing fine
If you miss me too please give me a sign?

my other friend Mr. Evanjohnn Mendoza responded to this poem since it was because of him that I was inspired to make these... =)) LOL! la-dee-daa~~
this was his reply:

Your skill in words can inspire
I hope such talent won't expire
Just keep writing from your heart
your poem making has made its start


  1. hahahaaha Thanks for posting my comment :P
    Continue to be inspired Shake!

  2. ahahaha! thanks VJ! wooots! I owe you! ♥
